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Best Cosmetic Dentist

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Should you try at Home or visit your Doctor to whiten your teeth? If you want to make a comparison this information would be helpful for you to decide what is best for you? Active Ingredients in Whitening Product – The effectiveness of whitening agent depends on the power of peroxide content.


A lenient whitening agent contains 15% peroxide while the strongest agent contains 40%, peroxide agent. Whitening strips are the mildest whitener’s products contain a lower amount of peroxide and the dentist whitening agent high concentration of peroxide. According to research, about 90% of people want whiter bright smile at any cost. It does not matter whether you use a whitening agent at your home or book a Cosmetic Dentist appointment whitening agent will make your teeth white like your original teeth color.


Whitening treatment can remove all food, coffee, and smoking strain from your teeth’s enamel, but this treatment can’t stop your yellow from showing through the enamel. A store-bought/readymade whitening agent is not much effective as dentist recommended whitening agents. Store-bought whitening agents due to their size and design only whiten the front of teeth and takes a long time to show whitening results.

In-office teeth whitening is performed by the dental professional’s shows better results because of the higher concentration of bleaching gels. Your dentist will clean your teeth from plaque and debris before starting the treatment he will take photos to let you see before and after changes. Beginning of treatment, a cheek reactor would be used to expose the teeth after that a hardening resin and then hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent will be applied to the teeth where it will remain for 15 to 30 minutes. You will observe the results immediately and your dentist will advise you ways to maximize whitening effect and certain foods that can cause discoloration.

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